درس دوم ۵۰۴ واژه ضروری زبان انگلیسی

Adventure: escapade; exciting experience; risky undertaking; put oneself at risk; take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome
Blanket: cover; coat; a large piece of woolen material used as a covering for warmth as on a bed
Castle: large building typically of the medieval period; chateau; palace; turret; tower
Cemetery: place where dead people are buried; a tract of land used for burials
Cheat: deceive; swindle; betray; be disloyal; break rules; obtain answers or information in a dishonest way
Coffin: a long; narrow box in which a dead body is buried or cremated.
Conceal: hide; cover; keep secret
Corpse: a dead body; especially of a human
Deadened: diminish; alleviate; anesthetize; numb; make less lively; become dead
Dismal: dark; gloomy; cheerless; depressing; sad
Fled: past and past participle offle e; escape; run away; move swiftly; hurry
Frigid: very cold; frozen; sexually unresponsive
Grave: place where a person or thing is buried; severe; serious; critical; somber; sober
Inhabit: occupy; live in; dwell in; reside in; populate; be present in; be inside of
Janitor: custodian; maintenance man; gatekeeper; doorman; warden; cleaner; maintenance man
Latitude: angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator; an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth
Legal: of or pertaining to the law; allowed by law; established by law; according to law
Longitude: angular distance measured east or west from the prime meridian; an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth
Maid: servant; cleaning lady; young girl; unmarried woman; virgin
Numb: without the power of feeling; deadened; lacking sensitivity; in shock; senseless
Peril: danger; risk; hazard; a situation of serious and immediate danger
Recline: lie in a horizontal position; lie back; lie down and rest; stretch out; lean back
Revenge: action taken in return for an injury or offense; take vengeance; avenge; retaliate; requite
Shack: small crude shelter used as a dwelling; a roughly built hut or cabin; live together without being legally married
Shriek: scream; loud shrill cry; screech
Sinister: evil; wicked; dishonest; frightening; malicious; threatening; ominous; portending evil; on the left side;
Slight: small; light; lacking substance; unimportant; treat with indifference; pay no attention to; disrespect
Slum: poor neighborhood; densely populated poverty-stricken area of a city
Stuck: past participle ofstick; fixed in place; caught; puzzled; jab or poke with a pointed object; fasten; put in a particular place
Teller: a person who deals with customers’ transactions in a bank; cashier; vote counter
Tempt: try to get someone to do something; test; invite; entice; tantalize; seduce
Wage: salary; payment; earnings; a fixed regular payment for work typically paid on a daily or weekly basis
Wager: bet; gamble the act of gambling; stake on the outcome of an issue
Wicked: evil; bad mischievous; vicious; malicious; severe; unjustified; dangerous; unpleasant; vile
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